Crystal you are the love of my life and I wish I could be there holding you for Valentine's Day. As you can see in the above picture the first time I saw you Cupid shot me through the heart and I fell in love with you. Next Year though will be the first Valentine's day that we get to spend together. I can't wait to hold you in my arms and wish you a Happy Valentine's Day in person. I wish I could have made the heart above perfect so it would be like you but I've had problems with it all week and ran out of time. I love you more and more each day. I miss waking up beside you. Everyday with you is like Valentine's day to me because of the way I feel with you in my life. I am so glad we are so very close to being together for the rest of our lives. I love you so much. I hope you have an amazing day. I love you and miss you. XOXOXOXOXO



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